What is Healing Touch?
Healing Touch is a philosophy, way of caring, and a sacred healing art. HT is defined as an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. It uses a collection of energy based treatment modalities to assess and treat the human energy system, thus affecting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and healing.
The goal in Healing Touch is to restore wholeness through harmony and balance. HT influences the energy system that supports life. By assessing, treating and evaluating the function of the energy system, the practitioner assists the client to self heal. Healing Touch compliments traditional approaches to health and healing. It is not a substitute for them.
We have a physical body and a subtle body comprised of many layers or fields of energy. The original name described extensively in esoteric literature is called the aura. The human energy system is comprised of 3 major parts: the energy field (aura) the energy centres (charkas) and the energy tracts (meridians).
The energy system reflects health and illness.
Before any physical, emotional or mental condition materializes, the energy system reflects the disturbance first before it becomes a symptom. Therefore working with the energy system directly, helps or assists the person to self heal.
Anecdotal and research evidence supports the use of Healing Touch in the following:
- Acceleration of wound healing
- Relief of pain and increase relaxation
- Reduction of anxiety and stress
- Energizing the field
- Prevention of illness
- Enhancement of spiritual development
- Aids in preparation for and follow-up after medical treatments and procedures
- Support for the dying process
Healing Touch can be used for all ages and states of health/illness and even for plants and animals.