Ion Cleanse Foot Bath
Today, we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet, and ongoing periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and to avoid disease.
Toxicity has become a much greater concern in the twenty-first century than ever before. There are many new and stronger chemicals, air and water pollution, radiation and nuclear power. We ingest new chemicals, use more medications, eat more sugar and refined foods, and abuse ourselves daily with various stimulants and sedatives. The incidence of many toxicity diseases has increased as well. Cancer and cardiovascular disease are two of the main ones; arthritis, allergies, obesity and skin problems are others. In addition, a wide range of symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, pain, coughs, gastrointestinal problems, and problems from immune system weakness, can all be related to toxicity.
Toxicity occurs on two basic levels – external and internal. We are all exposed to toxins daily. We can acquire toxins from our environment by breathing them, by ingesting them, or through physical contact with them. When these substances/toxins are not eliminated they can cause irritation or inflammation of the cells and tissues, blocking normal functions on a cellular, organ, and whole-body level. Our thoughts and emotions, and stress itself, generate increased biochemical toxicity. The proper elimination of these toxins is essential to good health.
Ion Cleanse footbaths are a pleasant non-invasive way for most people to detoxify the body. A computer program runs varying amounts of positive and negative current through a container of water. All you do is put your feet in the water and relax for 20-30 minutes. While you are relaxing, the water will start to change colour as the Ion Cleanse runs through its cycles. The water will change colour and consistency from orange, brown and green, to black-due to the release of toxic substances through the 2000 pores on the sole of each foot. There may even be lymphatic fat or mucous floating on the water. With each session the water may look different depending on what toxins are present in the body and on what part of the body is releasing toxins during the session.
The Ion Cleanse footbath provides a full body purge of all vital organs. Some patients with pain, edema, and swollen joints have reported relief immediately. Other patients with arthritis, allergies, gout, headaches, and neuralgia as well as other symptoms have experienced relief with multiple treatments. This internal cleansing can also result in faster disease healing and injury recovery. Healthy individuals have reported feeling lighter and have experienced a greater feeling of well-being.